Generative Art
Generative art is basically art created by computers.
or maybe to be a bit more fancy
Generative art refers to art that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system. An autonomous system in this context is generally one that is non-human and can independently determine features of an artwork that would otherwise require decisions made directly by the artist.
Generative art combines two of the things which I enjoy the most, that is art and coding. Each of the art pieces here has been coded by me. For a few of them , I do take some inspiration from various other artists, whilst others are my own creations. I hope you too will appreciate them.
My name is Divyansh Mittal. I am a sophomore at IIT Delhi,India and currently pursuing Computer Science as my major. Checkout my website or contact me via LinkedIn to know more about me or work with me.
An implementation of the depth-first-search and breadth-first-search algorithms combined to create this art piece, where each pixel is unique yet similar to its neighbours.
SmoothLife is a fascinating continuous implementation of Conway's Game of Life that showcases mesmerizing organic structures. Unlike the discrete and abrupt changes in the original Game of Life, SmoothLife introduces smooth and continuous transitions between states, resulting in fluid and captivating patterns. The organic structures that emerge from this continuous cellular automaton are both intricate and hypnotic, constantly evolving and transforming in a visually stunning manner.
Implemented using OpenSimplexNoise function, this is a visualisation of a vector field, where neighbouring vectors point in nearly the same direction,applying force on thousands of particles and the path they trace.
This art piece of a snowy day, is created by generating trees pseudo-randomly with varying height, angle, leaf count,etc along with some inspiration from flow fields to create the snowing effect.
Created by iteratively dividing each quaderilateral into 2 parts while alternating the axis of cut. Each shard then is given a color similar to its neighbours.
This piece is created by having straight pipes of varying colors, and randomly picking a few spots to cross and swap these pipes, giving them a woven look.
An implementation of the Lindenmayer system, but with randomly generated axioms.Due to the random nature of axioms, some of these are quite beautiful, while others might be a bit bizarre.
Another way to visualise the Lindenmayer system and create fractal like patterns out of simple geometric shapes like triangles, squares, pentagons, etc.
The artwork is generated by converting sections of pixel data of an image to a sinosoidal wave of different frequency and color.
A few random dots floating freely around the canvas and creating connections to its neighbouring cells generate this piece.
This piece is just placing squares of different patterns made with simple geometric shapes like traingles, circles,etc and filled with different colors at random side by side. This is done randomly, yet together it still appears pleasing to the eyes.
Another vector field visualisation of perlin noise, but this time we draw the vectors as rectangles of different colors.
The artwork is generated by converting sections of pixel data of an image to a dots of different sizes and color.
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
This single line of code is essentially what is required to generate this art piece. It is just a forward slash or back slash chosen randomly that generates such a simple and beautiful artwork.
A similar implementation to 10 Print, but generated by drawing strokes of varying length and different colors chosen from a palette.
Randomly places building with different heights and window locations, to achieve this effect.
Convert any text to 10 Print